Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rage @:

Mood: Pissed off
Okay, right now i'm not at my best so i'm just gona complain for a bit just to clear my system.
Sorry to my readers about the shit i'm going to type =.="

To person#1
You're so full of shit it fucking sets me off just by thinking about how i forgave you. "I'll try"? FUCKING SUCK MY DICK YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! =.="
I'm tired of your constant lies and broken promises, i have no idea why i bother caring about you and shit with the way you treat me. We don't talk anymore, you don't notice do you? I try and talk to you, and what you just ignore me? Don't tell me you couldn't be fucked or someshit when you talk to others alright so FUCK YOU! I'm not going to bother with you anymore, i'm so over this.

To person#2
You're even worse than person#1 !! YOU'RE A FUCKING DOG! Can't you ever be straight with me? Must you hide everything and act infront of me? BULLSHIT! I hate you, I hate you...
I wish i could hate you! I'm tired of your mood swings, why must you always change your mind all the time? Stop being so indecisive...
Can't you see you're killing me...
You don't even care...
So, don't expect me to act like nothing is wrong anymore...
When you see me, i won't be nice..
I'll treat you the way you treat me..

Wahh this cleared my system...
Thanks for reading my shit x]

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