Saturday, February 28, 2009

Standing outside the door into happiness...

I think i've grown up a bit these past few weeks.
What used to bother me doesn't phase me anymore.
And this "darkness" i used to speak of has vanished.
The light of my new pure spirit has shined upon it.
Not a trace of darkness is left in me.
My eyes, the window into my soul,
Shows only pure light.
Shows only a happy soul.
Shows a new me.
I used to look into the mirror and see a sad, suffering little girl.
Now when i gaze at my reflection i see a woman smiling back at me.
Its strange how one day i was a troublesome child.
And the next day i become a mature woman.
I guess i've learnt to accept the way my life works.
I've learnt to swallow my selfish pride.
I've learnt that i'm responsible for how my life is,
Not because of the problems that arise,
But how i deal with it,
And the choices i make because of it.
I used to be such a miserable person,
And i hated myself and others because of it.
The anger and sadness stored up inside me,
Causing me to break down.
Causing me to screw up badly.
Causing me to run away from those who love me,
Leaving me with the same problems,
But with no one to support me.
I'm more dependent on people than i thought.
I thought that i was always alone and could trust only myself.
But thats not true.
People walk in and out of my life,
But for those who stay,
They mean the most,
And i know i can trust them with my life.
I can trust them with my happiness.
I can trust them.
I know i can.
I haven't been able to find the key to open the doors of happiness just yet.
But i've found the door,
And the right path to take to find that key.
Give me some time,
I will keep fighting to enter the door into happiness.
I will be able to enter.
I will.
Just you watch.
Watch me beat you at your own game.
I will control my own destiny.
So keep watching me.
I will win.
I will.

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